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A Guide To eCommerce App Development

The digital revolution, especially the emergence of smartphones, has changed every facet of our life. 

One area that has seen a profound transformation is shopping. Today, more people prefer to buy everything from groceries to luxury goods online, simply because it’s convenient and quick. 

This strong customer preference for eCommerce has led to a whopping $432.2 billion in sales in 2022. Out of this, it’s estimated that 51% of users prefer to use an eCommerce app over other shopping channels, and this should give you an idea of the growing role of mobile apps in today’s world of shopping. 

As an eCommerce manager or eCommerce app developer, do these numbers excite you? 

Read on as we talk about what eCommerce apps are, how they can benefit you, and how you can leverage customers’ preferences for mobile shopping with the right eCommerce app development and marketing processes. 

Before we get to the eCommerce app development process, let’s step back a bit to understand what constitutes an eCommerce app in the first place.



What is an eCommerce App?


Electronic Commerce, or eCommerce in short, is the process of buying and selling goods and services using the Internet. It facilitates a buyer and a seller to transact with each other, regardless of their respective physical location. These transactions can happen through a website or a dedicated app, and sometimes even both, based on an organisation’s strategy. 

Out of the available eCommerce shopping channels, an eCommerce app has an edge because it provides a personalised experience for your customers. Moreover, eCommerce apps are downloaded on a mobile user’s device and hence, can offer a ton of functionalities and quick access. Above everything, these eCommerce apps double up as brand ambassadors for your organisation, as your brand logo is visible all the time on your user’s device, like a huge billboard! 

All these aspects translate to high conversion rates, improved loyalty from customers, and good revenue for your organisation. Due to these reasons, eCommerce app adoption has increased greatly, especially during COVID times. 

Though we are past the pandemic now, still customers prefer to buy through mobile apps because they are handy, convenient, and come with an easy-to-use interface. Sometimes apps also offer extra benefits, like lower prices or extra perks. 

The numbers below are a testimony to this shopping preference. 



Statistics on eCommerce Apps you need to know


Below are statistics that point towards the growing mobile adoption and usage. Let’s break them down into different categories for easy understanding.




– As of 2022, there are 6.65 billion smartphone users in the world, accounting for 86% of the world population. 

– Revenue from eCommerce apps reached $3.56 trillion in 2021, accounting for a 22% increase over the previous year. 

– The number of app downloads has increased by 11% from 2017 to 2021 while app sessions have increased by 92% during the same period. 

– The average session length for eCommerce apps increased from 9.1 minutes in 2020 to 11.3 minutes in 2022. 

– It’s estimated that users have spent $380 billion on in-app purchases in 2022. 

-On average, each mobile user spends about three hours and 15 minutes on their mobile apps each day. 

79% of smartphone users have made at least one purchase using their mobile app. 


Sales and Conversion


– It’s estimated that nearly one in every three U.S adults used their mobile device to make a purchase, every week in 2021. 

– More than 51% of users prefer to use mobile apps over other channels for shopping.

– iOS shopping apps had a conversion rate of 40.02% in 2022 while these numbers were 39.02% for Android apps.




-According to eMarketer, app users are three times more likely to make a repeat purchase. And they also make up over three times the revenue of other shoppers.

63% of smartphone users are likely to purchase from apps that provide relevant suggestions.


Push messages


– Users who received push notifications in their first 90 days have a 3X retention rate when compared to those who didn’t get any push notifications. 

– Push notifications sent at the customers’ preferred time had high conversion rates.


If the above numbers don’t convince you of the potential of mobile apps for your eCommerce transactions, here’s a look at the estimated growth and adoption of mobile commerce in 2023 and beyond.

  • By 2025, retail eCommerce sales through mobile apps are expected to touch $728.28 billion. 
  • Technological advancements like 5G wireless and branded shopping apps are likely to make it easier for people to shop from their smartphones.

Source: Statista

The above statistics are sure to convince you to start an eCommerce app development for your business.

Reach out to JMango360 today to quickly launch a premium eCommerce app.



What are the benefits of an eCommerce app?


An eCommerce business is often seen as an online store where customers can choose from your products displayed on a virtual shelf. Though this is the core functionality of an eCommerce app,  it’s also much more than a mere shopping channel. 

Below are some additional benefits that you can gain from these apps as an eCommerce manager.


More Revenue


A well-designed mobile app can boost your revenue greatly. Its many features like push notifications and an app logo constantly remind customers of your presence and gently nudge them to buy from your app.  Plus, mobile apps also provide customised shopping experiences for users, so they keep coming back for more purchases. To give you an idea, in 2021, the mobile eCommerce annual app revenue was $3.56 trillion, and this is expected to touch more than $9 trillion by 2023. 


Boost Conversion Rates


eCommerce apps can tell you a lot about your customers, so you can create personalised experiences for them accordingly. For example, you can make localised suggestions based on your customer’s current location. Likewise, you can understand the browsing pattern of your customers, and provide push notifications around those times. Such simple, but context-specific strategies, can undoubtedly boost your conversion rates.  


Research shows that mobile apps convert 3x more than mobile websites. This means you can create a whole new revenue stream with a mobile app. Currently, about 80 to 90% of customers are mobile, but websites offer only a measly 1.5 to 2% conversion rate. This simply means you’re leaving a ton of money on the table. By having a mobile app, your conversion rate can hit 6% or higher, and you can maximise the potential of your mobile visitors, all of which leads to higher sales and profits. 


Build Customer Loyalty


Apps are a proven avenue for customer loyalty programs. Research shows that 84% of customers stick to apps that offer some form of a brand loyalty program. 

With a mobile app, you can quickly implement a wide range of programs like discounts, cash backs, a point system that can be redeemed for gifts, VIP passes, exclusive offers, and more. You can even customise these programs to suit the preferences of different customers, all to keep your customers engaged. 

Also, easy-to-use apps bring back users 2x faster within 30 days when compared to a mobile site. Moreover, the Average Order Value (AOV) is 123% higher in mobile apps than in websites. Do you know that the AOV between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday is a whopping $140? These high AOV rates are due to built-in mobile features like push notifications, personalised messaging, the company logo on the app, and more. 


Tap into a Growing Market


Mobile devices are where your customers are, so you’d need a solid presence on this personalised playing field. Currently, it’s estimated that 86% of the world’s population has a smartphone, and they are using it actively for an average of three and a half hours each day. This usage trend is much higher with the younger generation, as the graph below shows.


Source: Exploding Topics

Imagine the number of people you can reach through a well-developed mobile app! What are you waiting for?

Reach out to us today to go live with your mobile app within just a few weeks.  



Connect to Customers Easily 


eCommerce apps make it easier than ever before to connect with customers. It’s estimated that a user taps his or her phone once every ten minutes, and an app can remind customers of your presence. 

With push notifications, social media integration, and other strategies, you can stay connected with your customers 24/7. Furthermore, you can continue to interact and connect with customers even if they are offline. All these aspects make eCommerce apps a potential marketing and shopping channel for your business. 


Higher ROI than Other Channels


Return on Investment (ROI) is the ratio of money earned or lost when compared to the money invested in eCommerce app development. Statistics show that you can earn an average of $13.88 per user with a basic shopping app. If you include advanced features like augmented reality, the ROI can go up to 200% or more. 

Regardless of your feature set, any retail mobile app will fetch a good ROI. If you can bring down the developmental costs by leveraging the services of expert eCommerce app development companies like JMango360, your ROI will increase even more.


Make Your Brand Stand Out


A mobile app enhances your reputation as a tech-savvy and forward-looking company. More importantly, it can help you to stand out in a crowded eCommerce space. 


Also, a mobile app provides a competitive advantage for your business simply because you can be engaged with your customers 24/7, even when your customers are offline. A slew of engagement features like push notifications, customised messages, loyalty programs, and more help you build a customer base and retain them. Above everything, you get to know your customers and understand their changing preferences. In turn, this will help you to come up with strategies and products that will meet their needs. 

On top of it, an elegant user interface is sure to keep users hooked to your app. Depending on your target audience, you can even include advanced features like AI chatbots, voice shopping, and augmented reality to show your customers that you’re on top of the latest trends. 

Such measures are sure to help you stay one step ahead of your competitors, and enhance your company’s reputation in the eyes of your customer.


One-on-One Communication


Mobile apps are a potent channel for all your marketing campaigns. You can market new products and services through in-app and push notifications, as they tend to have high visibility, thereby resulting in increased ROI. It’s also a good platform to try new out-of-the-box marketing strategies to understand how effective they are, and accordingly, you can tweak your strategies to appeal to your audience. 


Leverage Analytics


Mobile apps are a great source of analytics for you.  It helps you to better understand your customers and their needs, so you can adapt your offerings to suit them. Also, you can continuously optimise your app for improved performance and increased ROI. 

Similarly, you can understand the pulse of the market by understanding the shopping patterns of your customers. Accordingly, you can introduce a new product, retire existing ones, promote less popular products, and more. 

The above discussion clearly shows the innumerable benefits that mobile apps have for businesses. These advantages also explain why almost every major company, starting from physical giants like Walmart and Ikea to exclusive luxury brands like Gucci and Burberry, has mobile apps. 


Mobile Website vs mobile App

Often, there’s a debate between the benefits of a mobile website vs mobile apps, and which of the two is a better option for your business? Generally speaking, you need both, and one doesn’t replace the other. A mobile website is essential to attract shoppers and provide information about your products. However, in today’s mobile-first world, a mobile site alone may not be enough because it doesn’t offer personalization and the other benefits of a mobile app.

Here are five more compelling arguments that show how a mobile app can complement your mobile website and increase your overall revenue and profitability. 


Reason #1: Personalization

Mobile apps are better at providing personalised experiences for your customers when compared to a website. Why?

With mobile apps, users can set their preferences when using the app for the first time. Also, these preferences can be changed at any time to reflect the changing needs of users. Besides users setting their preferences, your app can also track users’ behaviour, frequency of use, location, and other details to offer personalised suggestions. In comparison, websites can at best, provide only generic suggestions that look mundane and automated. 


Impact on your Business

When you make relevant suggestions to customers based on what they like, where they live, and how they interact, the chances for them to buy from your suggestions are high. In turn, it translates to higher conversion rates.


Reason #2: Continuous Interaction

How do you interact with your customers through a website? You can have a live chat or can display pop-ups about upcoming sales, a new range of products, etc. However, you can display all this information and strive to interact only when the user is actively browsing your web page. What happens after your customer closes the web page? Nothing at all!

This is where mobile apps steal the show. Using push notifications, a mobile app can constantly interact with the user and provide information about an upcoming sale or a new range of products long after the user has closed the mobile app! In other words, you are constantly reminding customers of your presence and showcasing your products.


Impact on your Business

Statistics show that push notifications have an average click-through rate of 40%. Furthermore, a 2021 study by Airship found that app users who receive push notifications in their first 90 days have a three times higher app retention rate.  Undoubtedly, these notifications translate to more revenue and profits. 


Reason #3: One-touch Checkout


Mobile apps support a one-touch checkout, as users don’t have to enter their name, address, etc. All this information can be automatically retrieved from the user’s profile. Even payments can be made quickly and seamlessly through linked mobile wallets like Apple Pay. This ease of use is not possible through a website.

Impact on your Business

One-touch checkouts support an effortless checkout process that in turn, can boost conversion rates. It also greatly reduces cart abandonment rates. 


Reason #4: Built-in Features


Mobile apps can use the built-in features of your device like camera, location, contacts, etc, to enhance user experience. For example, completing a loan application would require users to upload a photo. With the mobile app, users can automatically take a selfie and complete the application process within minutes. This ease of use is not possible through a website, as all laptops and desktops may not have such built-in features.

Impact on your Business

The biggest advantage is the improved user experience and seamless navigation for users. Also, the built-in features greatly save time and effort, thereby boosting conversions. 


Reason #5: Improved Performance


Mobile apps perform better than websites because they store data locally on the device while websites have to retrieve them from web servers. From a technical standpoint, mobile coding languages tend to be faster than the programming language used for designing the UX of websites. As a result, the user experience is better and there’s less frustration due to slow connections.


Impact on your Business

A faster and better user experience will naturally bring more users to your app, as they can get what they want with lesser time and effort. 



In all, though websites provide a good avenue for your customers to shop online, the personalization and user experience are better on an app. Many companies prefer to have both shopping avenues, but if you have to choose between a website and a mobile app, there’s no doubt that a mobile app is the hands-down choice. 

Here are some interesting insights and statistics that reiterate society’s shift towards mobile apps.

To leverage the above advantages that mobile apps have over websites, build an eCommerce app today. Talk to one of our experts who can guide you through eCommerce app development and can help you build an app in no time. 

Let’s now further break down the reasons for mobile app adoption, so you can better understand how exactly an eCommerce app benefits your business and why you should go for it.


B2B or B2C apps: What’s the Difference?


Not all eCommerce apps are built the same. Depending on the nature of the goods and services offered and the target audience, you can have an app for end customers, businesses, or both. Below you’ll find the differences between the two app models. 


Business to Consumer (B2C) apps


B2C eCommerce is a model where you sell your products and services directly to end customers. In such models, there are no intermediaries involved, and you interact with a customer and sell to them directly. B2C is also the most common business model.

The main goal of building B2C apps is the increased revenue that it offers for your business. Also, these apps can be used for building a solid relationship with your customers. In particular, you can understand what your customers want and can provide a personalised experience for them. Over time, such efforts lead to increased customer loyalty.

As a business developing a B2C app, it’s important to focus on the UX and feature set. As a first step, understand your audience and accordingly, create an app that would appeal to them. Today, most B2C apps focus on an easy checkout model, inspirational catalogues that can keep your customers interested, push messages and notifications, and one-on-one communication. Above everything, a beautiful and eye-catchy design is a must-have feature for your B2C app. 


Business to Business (B2B) apps


In the case of B2B apps, the buyer of your product is another business. In turn, that business will sell it to its end customers. Unlike B2C sales, B2B eCommerce transactions tend to be of bulk quantities and may have longer lead times. 


Like B2C apps, B2B apps are also growing at an exponential rate. Research by McKinsey & Company shows that 65% of B2B companies are selling exclusively online through their apps and third-party marketplaces. Many businesses, especially those run by millennials, prefer to use a B2B app because it provides a frictionless experience. 


Here are the top six reasons to go for a B2B mobile eCommerce app.


As an eCommerce app developer or manager, you must ensure that your B2B apps focus on the efficiency of ordering. It must make it easy for users to find what they want and order them in bulk quantities. More importantly, these apps must provide different payment and invoicing options. It will also help to have more focus on user management activities like a separate login for the sales team to see the numbers, an admin dashboard for monitoring orders, and more. 

Besides the above two types, you can also categorise apps based on the industry they serve like retail and wholesale, banking and finance, marketing, manufacturing, ticketing, and more. 



Creating an eCommerce App – Build vs Buy Decision


eCommerce apps can be a game changer for any business, provided your app meets your customers’ requirements and appeals to them. This is why it’s important to take a step-by-step approach to eCommerce app development.

Before we head into the process, let’s talk a bit about a key decision you’ll have to make at the outset. Do you want to build your app from scratch, use off-the-shelf no-code templates, or get the best of both worlds with a low-code app-building platform?

Here’s a table that we hope can ease your decision-making process. 


Factors Custom (build from scratch) No code (templates) Low code (flexible)
Time Long, typically a few months, as you have to build from scratch.  Fast, sometimes takes only a few hours because you just modify a template. Fast, but a few weeks because you use building blocks that can accommodate extra design requirements and custom features. 


Requirements Fully met, as you build it just the way you want.  Only partially met, as you’re building from a template, and hence, no room for customization. Fully met, as it comes with built-in features and the flexibility to accommodate your business requirements. 


Updates and maintenance High and complex, as every update means more development time. 


Low, as you can’t do extensive changes. Low, and you can make any change quickly. 
Costs High, due to monthly contract payments/salaries for app designers and developers.


Low, monthly subscription.  Low, monthly subscription. 
Who is it for? Enterprises, especially  top brands like Amazon that have virtually unlimited money.  Small brands, new stores, and solopreneurs who are on a minimal budget. Professional brands that want a better-looking and working app, without spending a ton of money.



While both custom and no-code templated solutions are great for very large companies and eCommerce brands that just started respectively, low-code apps are best for the sweet spot in between both. 


Low-code eCommerce App Builder


A low-code eCommerce app builder platform like JMango360 can ease the build vs buy decision, as it provides the best of both worlds. 

When you go with a build decision, it’s likely because you want a custom app that perfectly meets your business goals and customers’ needs. The downside is that it can get expensive to build the app, as you’ll have to hire employees who specialise in eCommerce app development.

On the other hand, if you’re low on budget, you tend to take the buy option, where you buy an app template, affix your logo, upload your products, and start selling them. Such off-the-shelf apps won’t have the features you want and may not reflect your business in any way.

To get the best of both worlds, low-code eCommerce app builder platforms like JMango360 provide the template and at the same time, make it easy for you to customise the app to meet your specific needs. This low-code platform is budget-friendly as well, so you can get an app just the way you want, within weeks.



Native vs PWA vs Cross-Platform vs Hybrid


Research is the first step in mobile app development. Know what your customers want, what devices they use, their preferences, and other pertinent aspects before creating the framework for app development.

In general, you can approach eCommerce app development in four different ways:

  • Native Mobile Applications
  • Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications
  • Hybrid Mobile Applications
  • Progressive Web Applications

Let’s see what each of these types are and their pros and cons, so you can decide the best fit for your organisation. 


Building Native Mobile Applications

Native apps are those that are built for either Android or iOS. As each platform has its unique operating system, the coding language used will also vary. For example, Kotlin or Java is used for Android app development while Swift or Objective C will be used for iOS apps. 


The advantages of native mobile apps are:

  • Fast performance and excellent user experience, as they are geared for a specific platform.
  • Works well in offline mode.
  • Enhanced usability
  • Custom UI components
  • Reduces the chances of software bugs


On the flip side, the disadvantages are:

  • Expensive, as you have to build separately for multiple operating systems.
  • Requires a highly specialised team for building and maintenance.


These native apps are a good choice if you want to develop an eCommerce app to leverage a device’s features like a camera or want to implement a complex set of features like animations, 3D graphics, etc.


Building Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications

Cross-platform apps, as the name suggests, are apps that have the same codebase, but work well on different platforms like Android and iOS. These apps will have differences in UI and the resulting usability, but the features will be the same. The emergence of frameworks like Flutter and React Native have made it easy to build cross-platform apps.


The advantages of cross-platform native apps are:

  • Cost-effective and reduces development time.
  • The codebase is the same and can be reused.
  • Helps to reach audiences that use both Android and iOS phones
  • Provides a consistent look and feel.


The disadvantages are:

  • Heavily dependent on the framework.
  • Can be highly complex and requires specialised skills.
  • There could be gaps in the codebase.


In all, cross-platform apps are a good choice when your users are spread across both Android and iOS devices, and if the app is fairly straightforward to build. 


Building Hybrid Mobile Applications

Hybrid apps are those that combine the features of a native and a web app. Though eCommerce app development involves using popular programming languages like JavaScript and HTML, mixing the elements of web and native apps, and covering them with a code shell, may get complex, to say the least.


The advantages of hybrid apps are:

  • Lowers the development costs, especially if you want to build apps for the web, Android, and iOS.
  • Short time-to-market
  • Maintenance is easier than native apps.
  • Finding resources is easier.


The disadvantages of hybrid apps are:

  • Not ideal for complex apps.
  • Doesn’t work offline.
  • User experience may not be consistent.


Overall, hybrid apps are ideal for simple apps with a wide user base.


Building Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are highly popular as they can be run on a web browser, and yet, feel like a native app. Needless to say, PWAs provide a ton of flexibility as they can be used offline. Also, they can send push notifications, and the user experience is highly optimised for each platform. 


The advantages of progressive web apps are:

  • No specialised language is needed, just Angular or React would do.
  • Cheap and fast to develop.
  • Works well across multiple platforms.


The disadvantages are:

  • Doesn’t perform well on iOS devices.
  • Limited use of the platform’s features.
  • May consume more battery.


In all, PWAs help to cover a wide range of users on a budget.



Steps to Build an eCommerce App


Now you know the different options, let’s discuss the steps involved in developing an eCommerce app. 

Step 1: Create a feature list

Before you build your app, do extensive research about your competitors’ offerings and user reviews on them. Doing this research will help you to understand the gaps that exist between what users want and what’s currently available, so you can fill these gaps with your mobile app. Also, such in-depth research will help you to come up with a feature list that’s relevant and relatable for your target audience. Download apps of big brands like Nike and write down the features that stand out. 


Step 2: Define your Goals

Based on your research, set forth the goals of your mobile app and how it can align with your overall business objectives. In particular, make a list of goals that you want to achieve through your app. Some questions that can help you to set your goals are: 

  • What is my goal for the in-app conversion rate? 
  • What is my goal in terms of app adoption (eg app downloads)
  • What is my desired open rate for push notifications?

Set a timeline for each of these goals, and monitor your app’s performance against these goals to measure the success of your app.  Regular monitoring can also help you to come up with appropriate strategies to move faster toward your goals. 


Step 3:  Custom vs SaaS

In most cases (unless you are Amazon), a custom (or full code) solution is too expensive and takes too long to develop. This is why SaaS is almost always the best option when it comes to eCommerce app development. 


Also, this choice depends on the nature of your business and your current state. For example, if you’re just starting, a templated solution can be a good starting point. Though the revenue will be low, it will help you to test the waters before you can take a bigger step.


On the other hand, if you’re a growing company that’s looking to build a professional brand, a low-code solution like JMango360 is the best choice. This low-code solution provides the flexibility to implement the features you want to drive sales with room for some custom work  in design, integrations, and extra features. 


Step 4:  Native vs Progressive

The question of whether you should go for a native or progressive app depends largely on the choice you make in the earlier step (step 3). 


Generally speaking, in most cases, native apps are the best solution. And always go for both Android and iOS development to bring more customers into your business and tap into additional revenue. In some cases though, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are better. For example, if your business is not allowed to be in the app stores, like vaping industry or the adult industry, then PWAs give you web access with a native app feel.


But in most cases, native apps are your best bet. The good news is that with most SaaS providers, you will get both iOS and Android app development in the same package. 


Step 5: Visualise the Look and Feel

Focus on the UI/UX of your app, as this is the one aspect that can make or break your efforts. As a rule of thumb, go for a design that will appeal to your target audience. Also, keep the navigation simple and easy, so your customers can quickly find what they want with minimal effort. 

As a part of the UI, go for a one-click checkout process. Research shows that customers are more likely to buy if the checkout process is simple and involves only a single click. 

Know more about eCommerce app design trends.


Step 6:  Up and running

The last step is to start building the app. When developers are building your app, make sure you test it frequently. Create different test cases and use advanced testing strategies to ensure that everything is perfect before it hits the app stores. 


Finally, when your app is ready, publish it on App Store and Google Play Store. Be aware that you have to pay Apple and Google an annual fee for publishing and keeping your app in its stores. 


Now the fun part… 


Six Tips and Tricks to Boost App Conversions


eCommerce app development is only the first step towards boosting your eCommerce sales. You must follow the development process with a solid marketing strategy and continuous optimization to reach the top search results in app stores. 

In this section, we’ll talk about the marketing strategy that can help you to build a customer base and boost your profits. 


Use keywords in your description

Today, App Store Optimization (ASO) is no longer just about optimising keywords (although you still need to do this, too). The user experience should now be at the forefront of your strategy.


ASO algorithms across the app stores now factor in browser and referral traffic behaviour. What does this mean for you? The algorithms will monitor how much time users spend on your app page to evaluate the quality of your app.


If you need a refresher on how to optimise your keywords, check out some of the keyword tools designed for ASO. We recommend App Annie for the iOS store, for general keyword finding, and for both app stores.


Set up your smart app banner

The fastest way to get downloads is to leverage the traffic and customers you already have, and an effective way to do this is to set up your smart app banner.  To elaborate a bit, a smart app banner sits at the top of your mobile website to gently nudge a user to download or open your app.  This is a highly effective strategy, as statistics show that it has a 30.3% click-to-install rate, making it the fastest way to get more downloads among all owned media channels. 


The best part of these smart banners is that your visitors already know your brand, and are loyal to it. And with the app, their loyalty and repeat purchases will only increase further. 


Promote your app in emails

Email marketing is another effective way to boost your app downloads and usage. According to the Data & Marketing Association, 66% of email recipients are converted into customers. To leverage email marketing, make sure to send out newsletters at least once a month to engage with existing customers and bring in new customers. Use this platform to showcase new products, provide relevant information about your business, and encourage users to install and use your app. You can even provide some app-only discounts in your newsletter to move website users to your app.


Also, you can add some simple strategies such as including the iOS and Android app logos or QR codes with every email order confirmation. You are limited only by your imagination here. So, put on your creative caps and come up with unique ways to boost download and conversion rates. 


Use social media promotion

When the smart app banner is live, leverage social media to promote your product and drive more people to install your app. 

Use a judicious mix of paid ads and content marketing to create awareness about your product and include a “wow” factor that can bring in good results for you. 


Reward your app users

Offer irresistible discounts for your app users! For example, you can give a flat 5% discount for app users, provide access to some exclusive products on the app, offer free delivery, and other perks based on your business goals and available budgets.


Send push messages based on best practices

With push messages, you can showcase new products, discounts, and offers for your existing customers. Do you know that the deliverability rate of push notifications is 90%? This means you can automate these notifications and rest assured that they will be delivered to your customers as per your configuration. 

The results are also equally excellent. Push notifications convert 7x more users than email marketing and have an average open rate of 4.6%. Overall, these push notifications can result in a 9.5x increase in conversion rates and 4.2x growth in clickthrough rates

To get these results, use best practices such as including icons in your messages, providing contextual and personalised campaigns,  triggering automated campaigns, and more. Also, use deep links to products, as this helps with conversion as well. 


Use influencers

Influencer marketing is a proven method to connect with your target audience, and works well, particularly for fashion brands. In this marketing strategy, you collaborate with online influencers to spread the word about your products and app, so more people buy your offering. This strategy is ideal for promoting your app to an audience that doesn’t know your brand yet. In exchange for promoting your product, you offer influencers money, gifts, or other perks. 


Read Analytics

Finally, gather analytics on your app, and use them well to understand your customers’ browsing habits and patterns. Based on these insights, your team can come up with pertinent strategies to keep your customers hooked to your app. 

Some examples are:

  • Analyse the open rate of push messages. Know which ones work best and reuse them.
  • Understand which channels give you the most app downloads and leverage them with advertisements and content marketing. 
  • Experiment with social ads that include videos and images to know which ones work the best.

Though these are some suggestions, you can get an idea of what to look for and how to build on them.


Measuring the Performance of your App

Now that you’ve launched your app and implemented the marketing campaigns in full swing, how do you know they are working for you? 

The most obvious indicator is increased revenue. If your sales keep increasing month-on-month, you know that your current strategies are working well.

But if there are mixed results, how do you know what to improve and what strategies you must change? This is where measuring comes in handy.

Plus, good measurement processes make it easy to find functional and security gaps in your apps, so you can fix them quickly. Below are some aspects to consider while measuring the performance of your app.


Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a bunch of metrics that provide information about the performance and usability of your app. Though KPIs can vary greatly based on what you’re trying to measure, some of the common KPIs used in the world of  mobile apps are:

  • Number of mobile downloads in a given period
  • Tota lin-app  revenue per month
  • Number of in-app orders per month
  • Average order value in-app 
  • The open rate of  push messages
  • The number of app uninstalls
  • Ratings on app stores

Besides the above metrics, you can also compare the number of orders per month and AOV with your mobile site, to see if the performance is better than your site. 


eCommerce App Development Costs

Mobile apps are expected to generate over $613 billion in sales by 2025. To cash in on this trend, you must have a mobile app today for your business. 

That said, eCommerce app development is not cheap, and you’ll have to invest considerable money upfront, regardless of whether you plan to build an app from scratch or customise an existing one.  The costs depend on the eCommerce app development option you choose.

Generally speaking, you have three options: full-code, no-code, and low-code. 


  • Full-code: Out of the three, full code (or custom app development) is the most expensive, as it can cost anywhere from $30,000, depending on your feature list. It also entails expensive maintenance and long development times. Most brands today stay away from custom development because of its upfront costs and long time-to-market. 


  • No-code: SaaS (either no code or low code) is in 99% of the cases the best pick.  With a no-code solution, you can build an app yourself from an existing template, but you can’t add extra features. At best, you can change the look and feel to reflect your brand. Such no-code solutions have low or no set-up costs and start from about $30 per month. 


  • Low-code: A sweet spot between the two options is low-code platforms like JMango360. With  a low-code platform, you can launch your app within a few weeks at the most. Plus, you can include custom features and design requirements to reflect your business needs. At a low cost of $150 per month, this future-proof solution is the best option for companies that want to have professional-looking apps with high levels of customization. 


Examples of eCommerce Apps

Let’s now look at some examples of eCommerce apps that we have developed.

Jentry Kelley Cosmetics

Jentry Kelly Cosmetics (JKC) is a fast-growing US-based cosmetics retailer. After the launch of the JKC app, the average order value increased by 18%.


National Salon Resources (NSR)

National Salon Resources, a 4th generation American family business, wanted an app that would ease the ordering process for its customers while at the same time, it would help the company to deliver products on time. Today, it accounts for 30% of the company’s total revenue. 



Subdued is an international brand for fun-loving, strong, and independent young adults and teens who need a frictionless mobile user experience and an eye-catching UX design. With just a few weeks of development time, Subdued launched its app across 11 countries and got more than 100,000 app downloads within the first month. During the last Cyber Monday sale, Subdued saw a 65% increase in orders and currently has an average app rating of 4.6.


Gill Marine

Gill Marine is the world’s leading mobile apparel brand. Since 1975 their products have been adored by water lovers and professionals everywhere, including the British Olympic Sailing Team. In 2020, Gill decided it was time to look closely at the mobile experience the company was delivering to its customers, and decided to partner with JMango360 


The result was a 5.3x higher conversion rate, a 41% increase in mobile transactions, 4000+ app downloads, and exceptional growth.



Beachim, a fashion store that offers custom clothing, wanted to make the most of the mobile app revolution. The results have been excellent for them as the app helps them to reach out to an international audience and expand their customer base. 

Looks interesting?

You can also build mobile apps to grow your business without investing a ton of money upfront. Contact us to learn more


Final Thoughts

In all, there’s no second thought that mobile apps can be a game-changer for your business. At the same time, it doesn’t have to be an expensive investment. We, at JMango360, specialise in building apps on our low-code platform that meet your business needs. A great mix of built-in features, while leaving room for design and feature requests. Live in less than 6 weeks, fully serviced. Even app marketing support is included in your flexible monthly plan. 

What are you waiting for? Let’s talk.

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