Watch demo video

Not ready yet to talk directly to one of our specialists? Watch a video demo of JMango360’s mobile app solution.

In this video you’ll find out about:

  • Mobile app facts & figures
  • How the app platform works
  • The process and pricing


Proven app results vs mobile site

3.5 x
Conversion rate
4 x
Product views
2 x
Repeat orders

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Trusted by brands in 56 countries

See how it works

What’s in the video?

Watch a video demo of JMango360’s mobile app solution.

In this video you’ll find out about:

  • Why mobile apps have higher conversion rates
  • How we’ll get your app live in just a few weeks
  • Why you’ll still have freedom to add custom features
  • Case studies of brands like yours
  • What the process and monthly prices look like

Launching our own mobile app has been the best decision we’ve made last year. 50% of orders now come in-app. I wish we’d done this sooner.

Sonia Giogini

Global eCommerce Manager

– Subdued

Don’t worry. You’re in good hands.

View the demo video, today

And stay on top of the mobile game.