Next level mobile shopping with your React Native App

Switch to React Native and boost your results even more!

  • Optimized UI

  • Fastest experience

  • Extra features

  • Analytics implemented

Why switch to React Native?

Congratulations! We're ready to switch your app from standard Native to React Native technology. Why this is such a big step forward? With React Native customers will experience a much smoother UI, you will have more features to interact with customers and your app will be significantly faster than ever before. Here's 5 reason why React Native improves your mobile app performance.

Stand out from the crowd

Optimized UI

Mobile screens of your customers are getting bigger and bigger, which makes it harder to touch every button with just the tip of a thumb. React Native allows modern UI options, like bottom navigation and a highly responsive mobile experience. Let's go for smooth experiences.

Increased speed

Technical optimalisation

Today’s mobile buyers expect speed and convenience in everything to do. The cleaner and easier code of React Native results in much lower app load time compared to any other technology out there. In other words: your app will be lightning fast.

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Back-in-stock push notifications

Enhanced Features

It's not just about speed and better UI. React Native also provides a more direct interaction with your customers, like back-in-stock push notifications. It's one of the best ways to drive lost sales, boost revenue and increase customer satisfaction.

Order status push notifications

Reduce support calls

And it doesn't stop there. React Native also makes it simpel to send automatic push notifications with order status. Another great way to drive customer satisfaction and reduce customer support calls.

Firebase analytics integration

App data

'Data is the new gold' the saying goes. With React Native, we're able to connect your app to other data sources like Firebase. This allows you to track user behaviour and empowers you to make better decision.

Go for premium, nothing less.

More information

Start grasping the full potential of mobile. Today!